Posts by SPEEDY-CLEAN Painting & Pressure Washing
6 Things To Consider When Choosing Exterior Paint Colors In Chico, CA
Choosing the right colors for your home’s exterior can add curb appeal as well as help protect your investment. Color selection can often be a daunting task for many people however. The following may help you make your decision. As with any post; if you can extract one good point, then it’s well worth…
Read MoreA Tale of Two Painting Companies Near Me
This is a true short story about Speedy-Clean Painting & Pressure Washing and another local painting company. We will not mention the other company by name, but will point out that they are very well known. We will refer to the other painters as company X. Company X showed up well in a Google search,…
Read MoreFocus on Value more than Price when Taking Estimates from Chico Painters
In this blog post we will discuss the actual value you receive in the paint job, and important factors to consider that go far beyond just a base price. There will probably be several points here that you may not have given any though to, but it will behoove you to do so. This article…
Read More3 areas that can cause house fires that you may not be aware of
Just a very short blog post identifying some areas that have been known to cause house fires. Most of these issues can be solved with basic maintenance, and are worth checking out in your home. Rain Gutters Regardless of fire hazard it’s always a good idea to keep your gutters clean anyway. Gutter full of…
Read MoreWho is the Best Interior House Painter Near Me?
If you’re in Chico or surrounding areas of Butte County the choice for interior house painting is easy; SPEEDY-CLEAN Painting & Pressure Washing. Of course our opinion is biased, but it doesn’t make it untrue. We strive to provide the best product and service you you will find anywhere. We love what we do,…
Read MoreWho is the best Exterior House Painter Near Me?
While nobody wants to pay more than they have to for anything; most people prefer high quality services and results. You want to “get what you pay for”, but in the painting industry, that doesn’t always happen. If you plan to hire a professional, this will give you insight as to how SPEEDY-CLEAN Painting…
Read MoreWhat is Oxidation and how can it be removed?
Typical Oxidation on houses occurs when the suns UV rays start to break down molecules in the paint. Oxidation can appear on all paint over time, but higher quality paint will hold up better to the suns rays. Oxidation causes a dull chalky appearance on the surface of the paint. It is common on vinyl…
Read MoreAdding Curb Appeal to Promote the Sale of your House
It’s often said the three most important features promoting desirability of a house for sale are “Location, Location, Location”. However, unless you’re selling a mobile home, there is very little you can do about the location. For the sake of this article we will focus on something far more in your control, possibly of…
Read MoreKnowing when it is time to Maintain or Repair your Deck
If you have a deck at your home, you probably consider it a very important aspect of the house. People spend a lot of time on their decks with BBQ’s, parties, family functions, etc. Although most of that time is spent during Spring and Summer; your deck takes a beating from the elements…
Read MorePressure Washing, Power Washing, Soft Washing…What’s the Difference?
What’s the difference and which one do you need? The Pressure Washing industry has gone through several changes and many innovations over the years. For the most part however; it’s still basically the same concept. We have been in the business since 1995 and always kept up with the changing technology Pressure Washing As it…
Read MoreChoosing the Right Painting Contractor
Unless you have been referred to a Painting Contractor, you most likely will do a Google search for “House Painter near me” etc., hoping to find the best fit for your project. In this article we will cover several factors that will help make your decision easier. Some of these ideas you may not have…
Read MoreWhy does House Painting seem so Expensive ?
This is a fair question that I get asked from time to time. It almost seems like there are as many variables attributing to the price as there are colors to choose from. For the sake of this article we will focus on just two; the cost of Labor and Paint. We will address the…
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